Monday, 24 March 2008

Current selection of moulds

Currently in the process of looking at the moulds that I created and figuring out what the best textures are.

Friday, 21 March 2008

The making of moulds

Just thought I would 'blog' how I am making these textures. I have made a quick 1 min video showing the main processes I am going through to the finished product.

Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Death of a mould

The past two weeks have gone slow and have been quite annoying. Firstly due to the fact my mould never set..perhaps due to the out of date urethane used?!... Secondly after working many hours on rhino creating ergonomic texture samples, the CNC machine crashed making it unusable for some time. So am currently looking over bag theft ideas to see if I can develop any a bit further.

Thursday, 13 March 2008

Presence Wallet

Heres something I have knocked up on Rhino tonight combining a few of my past ideas and developments. It may lead somewhere, it may not...

Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Ergo Wallet

Along with doing texture work, half manually and half on the CNC machine, I have been looking at making pocket objects fit better to the pocket. So, I have crafted curves in the test pieces to see if more added surface area gives a better presence. I'm also including texture in some of these so when they are moved they can be instantly felt.