Saturday, 31 May 2008

Orange presense Wallet

Heres another wallet I got sewn up recently. I really like the powerful orange colour on the wallet. I think it gives the wallet a nice modern twist.

Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Monday, 26 May 2008

Spiked press

Heres the result of a leather press I recently did with spikes. Its worked really nicely. I was not really expecting the form to be so exact to the mould. I think this will definatly be in one of my final pieces.

Friday, 23 May 2008

Rubber/ Leather wallet

I have been trying to bond leather and silicone together to see if I get a wallet which has slightly more sticky ridges to it grips the leg a bit better. The leather ones are ok but I would like a better 'presence'.
This attempt didnt work too well...only got a week left until the deadline but im hoping I can sort something out early next week!

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

The first 'Presense' Wallet

Heres a picture of the first presense wallet. Sown up by Ahmet Okur a tailoring expert in Aberdeen. Im really happy with the result. Perfect job son....

Thursday, 15 May 2008

New Leather has arrived

Iv been firing out several leather moulds now..some have reacted with the silicone.. I think from the wax that was on the leather..easy to sort..Iv also got some new leather in..see pic about..its split leather meaning its from the lower half of the cow..problem is its very tough and mite be hard to press so not sure as yet if its a winner or not.

Monday, 12 May 2008

Final idea prototypes being to come together

I think that my wallet will be made out of leather just to give it that classic feel. The only problem with this is getting the leather to keep shape so I put silicone on some of my leather moulds to see if it would help support the rib pattern. It seems to have worked quite well and im happy with using something like this in my final piece.

Wednesday, 7 May 2008

Possible Rubber technique

By casting a poly urethane mixture onto leather I manage to achieve a leather finish. Im pretty impressed with the result it made, the left one especially. The right one was swede leather which stuck to the rubber too much.


The past week I have been looking at different materials that I could use for my final design. Pressing leather into the shape of one of my prototype models was the main thing i wanted to achieve. I havn't quite got the mould right yet as it jams the leather and does not press right down.

Thursday, 1 May 2008

.....Look at him go!

This is about as fast as the project is going just now..its not pretty. The CNC machine seems to be stuck in a coma most of the time..However im using the time to design and produce other items for my final display